Callbacks and recording

In order to run custom logic mid-simulation including for recording state, mlGeNN has a callback system (very similar to Currently the train and evaluate methods of compiled models all take a list of callback objects (or the names of default-constructable callbacks in the same style as neuron models etc) which defaults to a list containing a BatchProgressBar to show training or inference progress. As well as the callbacks mlGeNN uses to expose spike and variable recording functionality which will be described in more depth in the following sections, mlGeNN provides the Checkpoint callback for checkpointing weights and other learnable parameters throughout training and the OptimiserParamSchedule callback for implementing learning rate schedules.


It is often very useful to record spike trains and the value of state variables throughout simulation. In mlGeNN, this functionality is implemented using callbacks.


Because spike recording uses GeNN’s spike recording system, you need to set the record_spikes=True keyword argument on Population, InputLayer or Layer objects you wish to record spikes from when you construct the model. For example:

input = InputLayer(IntegrateFireInput(v_thresh=5.0), 784, record_spikes=True)

Then you can add SpikeRecorder callbacks to a model to record spikes:

from ml_genn.callbacks import VarRecorder
callbacks = ["batch_progress_bar", SpikeRecorder(input, key="spikes_input")]
metrics, cb_data = compiled_net.evaluate({input: testing_images * 0.01},
                                         {output: testing_labels},

The key argument is used to uniquely identify data produced by callbacks in the cb_data dictionary returned by evaluate and can be any hashable type. If no key is provided, the integer index of the callback will be used e.g. in this case, the key of the SpikeRecorder would be 1. For example, the following code-block produces a raster plot of all the spikes emitted by all neurons during the fifth example using matplotlib:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
spike_times = cb_data["spikes_input"][0][4],
spike_ids = cb_data["spikes_input"][1][4]

plt.scatter(spike_times, spike_ids)


You can add VarRecorder callbacks to a model to record state variables. For example, to record a state variable called v from a Population object input:

from ml_genn.callbacks import VarRecorder
callbacks = ["batch_progress_bar", VarRecorder(input, "v", key="v_input")]
metrics, cb_data = compiled_net.evaluate({input: testing_images * 0.01},
                                         {output: testing_labels},

to record the population’s V state variable over time. After the simulation has completed, you could then plot the membrane voltage of all neurons during the first example using matplotlib with:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt


When dealing with large models/datasets, recording everything uses a lot of memory and slows the simulation down significantly. You can address this by adding filtering kwargs to SpikeRecorder and VarRecorder objects. Example filters let you select which examples to record from:

SpikeRecorder(input, example_filter=1000)    # Only record from example 1000
SpikeRecorder(input, example_filter=[1000, 1002]) # Only record from examples 1000 and 1002
SpikeRecorder(input, example_filter=[True]*10) # Only record from the first 10 examples

Similarly, neuron filters let you select which neurons to record from:

SpikeRecorder(input, neuron_filter=1000)    # Only record from neuron 1000 in a 1D population
SpikeRecorder(input, neuron_filter=[1000, 1002]) # Only record from neurons 1000 and 1002 in a 1D population
SpikeRecorder(input, neuron_filter=[True]*10) # Only record from the first 10 neurons in a 1D population
SpikeRecorder(input, neuron_filter=np.s_[0::2]) # Only record from every other neuron in a 1D population

Because, in networks such as convolutional neural networks, populations can have multidimensional shapes this syntax also extends to multiple dimensions in the same way as numpy arrays, for example:

SpikeRecorder(input, neuron_filter=([16, 20], [16, 20])     # Record neurons(16,16) and (20, 20) in 2D population
SpikeRecorder(input, neuron_filter=np.index_exp[2:4,2:4])   # Record neurons (2,2), (2,3), (3,2) and (3,3) in 2D population

Custom callbacks

Beyond the built in callbacks, the callback system is intended to be the easiest way for users to plug their own functionality into the training and inference workflows provided by mlGeNN. Implementing your own callback is as easy as deriving a new class from Callback. Callbacks can implement any of the following methods which allow them to be triggered at any point in the simulation:

  • on_test_begin(self): called at start of inference

  • on_test_end(self, metrics): called at end of inference with metrics (see Metrics) calculated from test set

  • on_train_begin(self): called at beginning of first epoch of training

  • on_train_end(self, metrics): called at end of training with metrics (see Metrics) calculated during last epoch

  • on_epoch_begin(self, epoch): called at the start of training epoch epoch

  • on_epoch_end(self, epoch, metrics): called at the start of training epoch epoch with metrics (see Metrics) calculated during this epoch

  • on_batch_begin(self, batch): called at the start of batch batch

  • on_batch_end(self, batch, metrics): called at the end of batch batch with the current metrics (see Metrics) calculated during this batch

  • on_timestep_begin(self, timestep): called at the start of timestep timestep

  • on_timestep_end(self, timestep): called at the end of timestep timestep


These methods do not override methods in the base class but, for performance reasons, are detected by inspecting callback objects.

To allow callback classes to access properties of the simulation, they can also provide a set_params method. This method is called when callbacks are build into a CallbackList and is typically provided with the following keyword arguments:

  • compiled_network: the CompiledNetwork-derived object the network has been compiled into. This allows access to underlying GeNN model and thus it’s neuron group and synapse group objects.

  • num_batches: number of batches per-epoch

  • data: dictionary used for storing recording data (see below)

All set_params methods should ignore unknown keyword arguments using a trailing kwargs** argument e.g.

def set_params(self, num_batches, **kwargs):

Saving data

When callback classes are used for recording, they should not directly store data themselves. Instead, they should add data to the dictionary passed via the data keyword argument to set_params and provide a get_data method which returns the callback’s key and the recorded data. For example, a callback which records to a list might do this:

from ml_genn.callbacks import Callback

class MyCallback(Callback):
    def __init__(self, key):
        self.key = key

    def set_params(self, data, **kwargs):
        data[self.key] = []
        self._data = data[self.key]

    def on_batch_end(self, batch, metrics):
        # Append something to self._data

    def get_data(self):
        return self.key, self._data